Dress Code and Dancewear Shops

Dance with Energy follows a strict dress code for all classes and ages. Hair must always be pulled back neatly in a bun or ponytail.

Students without the appropriate attire or hair will be asked to change or pull back their hair before participating in class.

Class Attire Shop

Leotards, shoes, tights and other dress-code attire can be purchased online, we recommend Discount Dance for all of your dance attire needs. 

Visit www.discountdance.com

Logo Apparel Shop

Dance with Energy logo apparel (tanks, t-shirts, bags, accessories and more) can be purchased: HERE 

Dress Code

Discovery Dance: Any solid color leotard, pink tights and pink leather ballet shoes.  Skirts are optional.

Acro: Any solid color leotard, leggings, or spandex shorts. No tights.

Ballet and Tap ages 3-4: Any solid color leotard, pink tights, pink leather ballet shoes and black tap shoes. Skirts are optional.

Ballet and Tap ages 4-5: Any solid color leotard, pink tights, pink leather ballet shoes and black tap shoes. Skirts are optional.

Ballet and Tap ages 5-7: Black leotard, pink tights, pink leather ballet shoes, and black tap shoes. Skirts are optional.

Irish Step: Solid color leotard, black jazz pants, black capris, tan tights and black ballet shoes.

Musical Theatre: Any solid color leotard, black jazz pants or capris, black jazz shoes or dance sneakers, and black, pink or tan tights.

Ages 6 and Up

  • Ballet: Black leotard, pink tights, pink leather or canvas ballet shoes, and hair in bun. Skirts are optional.
  • Tap: Black leotard, pink tights and black tap shoes.
  • Jazz: Black leotard, tan jazz shoes, pink or tan tights, and black jazz pants or capris.
  • Modern/Lyrical: Black leotard with tan, pink or black footless or convertible tights, barefoot.
  • Hip Hop: For girls, solid color tank top or leotard, black jazz pants or capris or shorts, and black dance sneakers or black street sneakers*.

Performing Companies: Black leotard, pink ballet shoes, black tap oxford shoes, tan jazz shoes, pink and tan convertible tights, and black jazz pants or capris.

Boys: Solid-color t-shirt or camisole, black dance pants or capris, and black dance sneakers or black street sneakers* for class.

Adults: Attire should be comfortable clothing appropriate for the style that allows free range of movement. Proper shoes are required (no rubber-soled shoes).

ABSOLUTELY NO: baggy t-shirts, sweat pants or pajama pants, dangling jewelry or rings (stud earrings are acceptable), or street shoes in the studio. *Only to be worn for class, inside the studio, DO NOT wear your black street sneakers outside or for anything other than dance class.