Qigong is an amazing practice for health, healing and inspiration. “Qi” means life force energy and is the basis of everything in the universe, while “gong” means the work of cultivation. Qigong practice is a series of flowing and repeated movements, stretches and breathing exercises that are very easy to learn and may be done anywhere and without any special equipment.
Benefits of Qigong
• Loosens muscles and improves balance
• Helps prevent injury to joints, ligaments and bones
• Eases stress and balances emotions
• Improves breathing and heart rate,
• Promotes deeper, more restorative sleep,
• Increases overall energy level and metabolism, …and much, much more!
No prior experience is necessary as Qigong may be done by individuals of all ages and modified to each person’s level as they practice. Please wear loose clothing and be prepared to enjoy an ancient Chinese healing practice which balances and clears stuck energy.
Located in our Mind/Body studio with instructor Maryellen Labelle
MB$15 | WC $20 | Non $30